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Master of Philosophy in
Marine Environmental Science (MPhil in MES)
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The MPhil program aims to train students to conduct independent research in marine environmental science. A candidate for an MPhil degree is expected to demonstrate knowledge in the discipline, as well as to synthesize new knowledge and make contributions to the field.
Details about postgraduate admissions can be found at Fok Ying Tung Graduate School.
Program Requirements (For intake 2024/25 or after)
- Minimum Credit Requirement
- MPhil: 11 credits
(9 credits from core and/or electives courses + 2 credits from OCES6011 - PG Seminar)
- MPhil: 11 credits
- Core Courses
- All students must complete a minimum of 6 credits from the following core courses:
OCES 5001 Introduction to Oceanography 3 Credit(s) OCES 5100 Biological Oceanography 3 Credit(s) OCES 5200 Physical Oceanography 3 Credit(s) OCES 5300 Chemical Oceanography 3 Credit(s) OCES 5320 Ecotoxicology 4 Credit(s) OCES 5400 Marine Genomics 3 Credit(s) Students can fulfill the program minimum credit requirement by taking more than two core courses or taking the elective courses.
- All students must complete a minimum of 6 credits from the following core courses:
- Elective Courses
- Elective courses can be taken from:
i. The following pre-endorsed elective courses, and/or
ii. Approved postgraduate courses subject to endorsement by the PG Coordinator. Only a maximum of 3 credits from this category can be counted towards the credit requirement. - Pre-endorsed Elective Courses:
ENVS 5116
Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment3 Credit(s) OCES 6012
Special Topics in Environmental Science1-6 Credit(s) MATH 5311
Advanced Numerical Methods I3 Credit(s) MATH 5350
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Inviscid Flows3 Credit(s) PHYS 5110
Mathematical Methods in Physics4 Credit(s)
- Elective courses can be taken from:
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- Completion of PDEV 6800 Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education:
- All full-time RPg students are required to complete PDEV 6800. The course is composed of a 10-hour training offered by the Center for Education Innovation (CEI), and session(s) of instructional delivery to be assigned by the respective departments. Upon satisfactory completion of the training conducted by CEI, MPhil students are required to give at least one 30-minute session of instructional delivery in front of a group of students for one term. PhD students are required to give at least one such session each in two different terms. The instructional delivery will be formally assessed.
- Completion of and passing PDEV 6770 Professional Development for Research Postgraduate Students:
- The 1 credit earned from this course cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.
- Completion of and passing OCES 6770 Professional Development in Marine Science:
- The 1 credit earned from this course cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.
- Completion of and passing LANG 5005 Communicating Research in English, which should be taken in the first year of study:
- The 1 credit earned from this course cannot be counted toward the program credit requirements.
- Taking and passing OCES 6011 Postgraduate Seminar whenever it is offered:
- A maximum of 2 credits to be earned from this course.
- Registration in OCES 6990 MPhil Thesis Research; and
- Presentation and oral defense of the MPhil thesis.
Course schedule
Program Requirements (For intake 2023/24 or before)
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