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Department of Ocean Science - PhD qualifying examination requirements

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1.    All students who are enrolled in the PhD program are required to pass the PhD Qualifying Examination as part of the requirements for the PhD degree.

2.    With effect from the 2021/22 intake cohort, all full-time PhD students (no matter with or without an MPhil) are required to pass the qualifying examination by the end of the second year (i.e. before the 5th regular term of study).   In case a candidate fails the first attempt, he/she is required to make the second attempt and must pass before the same deadline stated above.

3.    Full-time PhD students who fail to meet the requirement of passing the qualifying examination by the end of the second year will be issued a letter of warning by the department and have their PGS suspended.  Those who fail to pass the qualifying examination by the end of the 5th regular term will be issued a second warning letter and will be subject to dismissal from the program.

4.    With effect from the 2021/22 intake cohort, all part-time PhD students are required to pass the qualifying examination by the end of the third year (i.e. before the 7th regular term of study).   In case a candidate fails the first attempt, he/she is required to make the second attempt and must pass before the same deadline stated above.

5.    Part-time PhD students who fail to meet the requirement of passing the qualifying examination by the end of the third year will be issued a letter of warning by the department.  Those who fail to pass the qualifying examination by the end of the 7th regular term will be issued a second warning letter and will be subject to dismissal from the program.


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Application procedure about the PhD qualifying examination arrangement with effect from Fall 2023/24:

1.    Students must fulfill the program requirements (i.e. complete at least 12 credits of coursework – core and elective courses) before applying for the qualifying exam.

2.    To improve the quality of PhD Qualifying Examination (PQE) report, PG students must submit the written PQE reports to their supervisors for comments and approval.    After approval by the supervisor, the PG Coordinator needs to endorse the PQE report before the student can schedule a date for PQE.
3.    Students have to find 3 panel members (i.e.  his/her supervisor and 2 supervisory committee members) and email to our general office for applying the qualifying exam arrangement at least 4 weeks before the proposed exam date.

4.    Students have to submit E-copies or 3 hard copies of the dissertation research (i.e. progress report) to all committee members via our general office at least 3 weeks before the proposed exam date.