OCES has hosted a 3 days summer course for secondary students from 3rd July to 5th July 2024. The course offered interactive lectures, group discussions, field studies and laboratory experiments.
Beyond the lectures, students conducted phytoplankton identification using sample from HKUST Pier. They were able to observe plankton under microscopes. One of the highlights was the field survey in Starfish Bay, which provided invaluable opportunity to explore the epifaunal and infaunal animals and investigate their adaptations to life. The 3-day summer course concluded with group presentations, where students showcased their knowledge and finding in diverse topics.

Group photo of opening ceremony

Colleting water sample & microplastic in
HKUST Boulder shore
HKUST Boulder shore

Using microscope to observe plankton

Plankton sample collected at HKUST pier

Taking photo of creatures found in Starfish Bay

Presenting certificates by Prof. Stanley LAU

Presenting certificates by Prof. Stanley LAU

Presenting certificates by Prof. Stanley LAU